Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Paris 2.0


Chandelier in the Foyer of the Opera

One last blog....

Today the main mission was to send a letter to cancel my phone plan!!  I had to get that done before I could go and be a tourist.  Well it was an adventure!!!  The main problem was that I didn't know that I needed an envelope to mail the letter in addition to the one one I already had.  Well it turns out that the one I had was not and envelope, but a sticker. After that got cleared up I got it sent off and started to be a tourist.  My first stop was the catacombs!

skull in the catacombs
I got there 20 minutes before it opened and the line was already around the block.  I ended up waiting an hour to get in (moral of the story buy your ticket a head of time).  The catacombs were cool and they added a lot of stuff about the history.  I thought that it was very interesting how they were created in 1786.  The reason for moving skeletons under ground was because in 1985 the cemetery of innocents became a heath risk (most of the Paris populous was laid to rest there). Until 1859 bones were transferred from more than 150 different monasteries, convents, and church graveyards.  Before the bones were moved, the tunnels were collapsing rock quarries.  There are around 6 million skeletons in the catacombs.  Another cool fact is that a kennel hammer was used to mark the roof with a black line.  This was done to help direct people through the catacombs in the 19th century.

My next stop was a chocolate history museum.  This museum focused more on the history of the cocoa bean and how influential is is to the different cultures.  On the growing side I had no idea that only 3-4% of flowers become pods.  The cocoa bean was first used as currency in
Chocolate drinking cups
Mayan culture.  Their whole measurement system was based off of a "carga".  A carga is the load that a man was able to carry, which was 24,000 beans.  Metate is what was used to roast and crush the beans.  It was made of a large flat stone with 3-4 legs to hold it above a fire.  When the beans were roasted they would crush the beans into a powder/paste.  The original name used by native Central American people was kakawa (cocoa), atl (water).  It is believe that when Cortez conquered the Aztecs he heard this, and since he did not know the language he thought it was called chocolate.  I had to laugh at the next part of the museum which detailed the rise of chocolate drinks in Europe, because it was first used as medicine.  They used it to treat headaches, constipation, asthma, and stomach aches.  There was also a section of the history of chocolate drinking cups. In the beginning, cups were made out of coconut shells that were fitted with a vases and a handle.  Marie-Antoinette had special cups made for her and the king to drink the chocolate drink in. Another funny fact, is that the noble women of New Mexico drank chocolate
All made of Chocolate
during mass.  The bishop of San Cristobal was so fed up with these maids bringing their noble women hot chocolate during mass that he forbade it.  That was a bad idea because he was later poisoned.  Also the cocoa drink is just like wine and does not break the lent fast because it is not consumed as food (from a book from 1642).  The last part of the museum had chocolate art in it.  There was a model of the Arc de Triomph, and the Eiffel Tower.

Grand Foyer

Now I was off to the Palais Garnier (Paris Opera House).  This was my favorite part of the day.  The grand stair case was incredible.  The craftsmanship that was put into the art and decor of the main lobby was breath taking.  Inside the auditorium, everything was gold and red, with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.  The foyer was incredible as well.  I cant really explain it (look at the picture).  They had a small museum with costumes and mock sets from different ballets.  As I went threw the the gift shop on my way out a t-shirt caught my eye.  The shirt reads Tondu or do not, there is no try, and it has Yoda, BB-8, Luke and Rey on it.  Lets just say it is now in my suitcase.  When I went to go and try my shirt on before I walked out the door I needed to go back into the opera, which ment going in an exit.  I asked the security guard in English if I could go in.  He then told me that he didn't speak English.  Then I proceeded to ask in
French and he was super happy that  I could ask in French.  We then chatted for a bit about my stay in France, and before I left he told me that I spoke French well.  This really made my day!!  This is the second time a Parisian complemented my french.  It just shows that the stereotype does not fit everyone.
Sacre Coeur 

As my day continues I made my way to Sacre Coeur which is a church.  This was just a throw in visit, and it was decent.  I loved the view from the top and the stained glass on the inside of the church.  One the way back to my AirB&B I stop to see the Bastille monument.

Ok guys this was my last post for my Study Abroad! I leave tomorrow to come return home to Oregon.  France has been a ton of fun, and I have made some really great friends and memories.  I can't wait till I get to come back!! I am now ready to take on the last 6 months of my education.

So many bones

Chocolate as Medicine

Chocolate Dresses

It is all chocolate

Grand stair case in the Opera

soloist in a ballet


underneath the staircase

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Paris 1.0


Versailles Gardens

Front of Versailles
Today started with taking an RER to Versailles!  One amazing thing about this place it that if you are a student you don't have to pay to get into any on the buildings on the estate.  To be honest I found that main palace a bit disappointing.  A lot of the wings were closed and so you just followed a long line of people from one room to the next. There was a lot of nice paintings of the royal families that have lived on the estate, and some great history lessons with them.  There were also a TON of people there!!  There was way more people going through the main palace than there was in the Louvre.  Then when I went out to gardens, the fountains were turned off and the statues were covered up for the winter.  For me the best part was Marie-Antoinette's estates.  She had her own Petit Trianon with her own party house, then a separate larger estate farther away form the main palace.  Only people that were invited could enter (including the King).  She also redid her trianon to eliminate a staircase that allowed the King to enter any room he wanted.  Instead there are locking door mechanisms that slide up and down to section and lock off parts of the house.  I also visited the farm and gardeners housing on the estate.  On the farm, I got to pet some of the animals!  All of the grounds keepers houses were adorable!  While walking around the grounds I ate my delicious sandwich with I made with the cheese I bought yesterday.  I visited the Grad Trianon which was for King Louis XIV and for other family members.  This was used for entertainment and social gatherings.  All in all it was a good visit, but I am happy that I didn't have to pay for any of it! I was also disappointed that I didn't get to dance in the ballroom (Bucket List Item).  The one I got to see was the "parlor" to the ballroom, small events hall.  Plus since most of the palace was closed off there was legitly no room to move AT ALL.  Every one was crammed into this room while tour groups leaders were talking, and every one else was trying to move to the next room.  This just means that I will have to come back to France and tour more castles till I get to dance in a ballroom.  After I was done at Versailles I went back to Paris and headed to the Catacombs.

When I got there the line was super long (two hour wait).  So I was like " Uhhhh NO"!!!  I then went to Notre-Dame.  There the line was long, but it was always moving.  Now the thing that I had to remember is that every church is special in its own way.  I have scene the Sagrada Familia, there are no words to describe that cathedral.  Now Notre-Dame is special in how the lighting inside of the church is used.  They had it all decorated up for the holidays and it looked amazing.  There was a Christmas market next to the church that I walked around.  I now can say that I have all my Christmas shopping done! After the market, I went to Centre Pompidou.  However, I did not check its opening times, and see it was closed today, so I SAW it and went back to my AirB&B. 

I went to this Vietnamese restaurant across from my Air B&B.  The hostess thought it was weird that I was eating by myself. She tried to seat me with some people in front of me.  I tried a hot mango bubble tea, with citrus chicken and rice.  The meal over all was delicious, and I ate the whole meal with chopsticks!!  The waiters were impressed, they kept waking by every couple of minutes or so, and would look my way every time.  I don't think they thought I could eat the whole meal with chopsticks.  I was asked multiple times by the waiters if I want a fork.

Getting the extra sleep was helpful for my cold, but I still was pretty out of it today!  I had a coughing issue while at Versailles and the attendant asked if I was ok or if I need help.   One thing this solo trip has taught me, is how much determination and shear will play into achieving what you want.  I am determined to see the places that I want to see and I WILL enjoy them!!  Tomorrow I have another packed day.  I will be going to the catacombs, then to a chocolate museum, followed by the Paris Opera House, and then up to Sacre Coeur.  After that I have several option on what to see depending on how I feel.  I am not going to waste any time tomorrow for my last day in Paris/France.       

Marie-Antoinette party house
Grounds Keeper's Cottage 
Chandelier in the main palace
inside of Notre-Dame
Candles inside Notre-Dame
Christmas Wreath inside Notre-Dame

Monday, December 19, 2016

Paris 0.5


Outside of Louvre
So this morning I had to get out of my every so soft and squishy bed and say good by to my host family.  This was way harder than it was to say good bye to my own family.  The worst part was the dog.  Brooklyn has be called my "petite copine" since the beginning of my stay.  Seeing
her face as I brought my suitcases down the stairs was horrible (I cried a little...).  The fact that I was leaving Lyon didn't set in until my host mom helped me put my luggage onto the train, gave me one last hug and left.  I shed a couple of tears, until some GUY sat next to me!!  UGGG, those who have been on trains know that you can really sit anywhere you want.  There were plenty of seats open, so I was a little mifft (emotional morning).

However, this turned out to be just fine!  The guys name is Nathan, and he is an art student in Lyon.  He is  going to Paris to meet his girlfriend for the first time.  We started to talk when gave me a picture he had finished drawing.  I then got to see his portfolio, and other sketches.  He was into drawing syfi creatures.  All of his drawings were organized into worlds.   I would be looking at one world at a time as he explained how it all fit together.  One of the most interesting thing that he told me was about the game that he and his friends play.  It is basically Dungeons and Dragons, except you have to draw your characters and put them in the online games database.
One of his sketches
This is the one he gave me
 Depending on what you roll, your charature is developed.  Then as the game goes on and something needs be designed, one of the players draws a quick sketch and imputes it into the game.  We also had a long discussion about video games, and books.  We wished each other luck when we parted ways on the train platform in Paris.  I was then off to my Airb&B

My host is amazing and so is the room!  The first place I went after getting settled is the Louvre.  Now, remember what happened last time I went to a museum alone (Face Swapping Fun)?  This time was no different, enjoy.  Also at the Louvre I got to see the "tourist" artworks, but mine is better!!  I spend about two and a half hours there looking around.  I saw the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian art, Italian paintings (Mona Lisa), French sculptures, and then the Decorative arts.  I basically only saw 1.5-2 floors of the four floors.  The floor plan is also really hard to navigate, so I spent more time trying to figure out where to go then looking at the art.  One thing that helped was that I already knew which pieces of art I wanted to see, so I was able to focus just on them instead of wandering around.

This is just creepy

This is a favorite

This one too!!

I'm to sexy for this Sphinx

Pyramid outside of the Louvre
Following the Louvre,  I walked along the Champ Élysées to the Arc de Triomphe.  On my way I got to look at the Christmas Market!  I have found that you meet the best people when you travel alone!  At this market I talked to this vender that was selling cheese.  We talked about his cheese and the cheese I make at OSU.  I ended up buying this spicy chevre cheese that was multi colored!  I also met this girl who has family that lives in Portland!  I finally made it to the Arc de Triomphe.  While I was taking the picture a bus of military men drove by (i think).  One person was waving at me, so I waved back.  Then I turn to take a picture again and there was a tap on the window, so I turned and they wanted me to wave again.  This made me laugh!!    From there, I headed to the Tour Eiffel.  I got to see it all lit up for the night, like a Christmas tree!  

For dinner I ended up just making a cup of chicken noodle soup.  I am super sick with a head/chest cold right now, so I just wanted some soup and to go to bed.  I hope that the extra rest will help make me feel better because, tomorrow is my first full day of Paris, and I have a full day planed!  

the Arc de Triomphe
Spicy chevre cheese

Sunday, December 18, 2016

My Last Week


Outside of the Museum 

So this post is about my last week in Lyon.  It has truly been a fantastic experience.  I have gotten to meet a lot of new people from all around the world.  My education at ISARA has been interesting, and fun!

So this week was the final paper and presentation of the Valrhona Chocolate project!  Lets just say that everything got turned in.  It has been an interesting and challenging project.  That aside getting to know my team has been the best part.  I will miss these girls when I return home.   Another thing that happened this week, was that I took the TFI (European french standard exam).  Regardless of how I do,  I am very proud of my self for answering all 180 questions on time.  The test is split into two parts, and the last part is the hardest.  The last part is 90 grammar questions, that are answered in home hour.  I finished answering the last question just as the teacher called time.  There were also some really great people in my french class that I will miss.  After the test we were all super brain dead!    But we pulled off this perfect selfie in front of the school.
Valrhona project girls (Me, Xiyu, Camila)
After TFI, last time at ISARA 

This week there was a field trip to Savoir Lactée.  They are a dairy production facility, that has an interesting whey utilization method.  They use micro filtration to make sure that the liquid that is leaving their plan is basically water.  With the other part, they use it to make whey powered, and energy.  They methanate the left over to generate energy for their plant.  At the end of the tour we all got to take home some butter!

Friday night was my last dance class, and I am sad to be leaving.  I have improved so much while at this dance studio.  I will always remember the technique help I have gotten here, and the teaching style as well.  After dance I got to go and celebrate the end of school with the graduating class of ISARA.  I met Clara and Maëlle at a party and we got to hang out all together one last time.  One interesting thing that happened was when we went to go to this night club, there was a VERY long line.  We waited in the cold for about an hour and then decided that we just wanted to go home.  I went to call and Uber, but they were on strike and so the price was ridiculous for how far I was going. So I proceeded to just walk home!  It took me about 20 minutes to get home.  Since I was walking by my self at one in the morning, it was just a tiny bit scary.  To not be scared I proceeded to sing under my breath the entire way.  I sang everything form Taylor Swift to Sound of Music.  Thank goodness no one is out at one in the morning, or else they would have thought I was insane!  I made it home no problem and got to get all snuggled in my bed and warm up.
chocolate covered apple

I went to a Christmas market on Saturday to pick up some Christmas presents!  I ate this delicious chocolate covered apple!  It was a nice market with a lot of cute stalls to visit.  I would talk about what I got, but some of the people read my Blog.  

Side note for the week is that I went to the bank to close my account before I left, and when I got there they were Fencing in the bank.  I think it was the french Paralympic team?  Anyway it was kind of funny to see these bankers dressed in fencing gear and poking each other with mettle sticks.

Fencing at the Bank

 On Sunday I went the the Contemporary Art museum with Clara and Rachel.  This was basically my last outing in Lyon. I am great full that I got to hang out with my friends one last time!  At the museum there were three exhibits.  The first one was the best, and it was about street art.  The second exhibit was in three parts.  The first was advertisement, followed by rows of postcards and letters.  Then there was this tiny house that you went in and there was just a lot of creepy things in it.  Then there was a room that had a net in it and then you went in side.  There were birds inside the netted area.  The last exhibit was horrible.  This artist liked doing stuff with blood/human pain.  It was horrible.  When I got home I got to eat RABBIT!!  It was delicious!

Now it is time to say good bye to Lyon, and hello to Paris!  I leave on Monday to spend 2.5 days exploring before officially flying back to the US.  I will hopefully have one or two more posts about my time in Paris, then I will officially be signing off from this Blog!  Thanks to all that have been reading it.  I have had a lot of fun writing it as well!

Clara, Me, Rachel

Street art "thinking mind" 

Street art

Inside the weird house

Rock sculpture

Rocks drawn and sculpted 

Thinking artist

Birds in the museum 

More Birds 

Another bird

Last bird photo

A sculpture

Turtle sculpture eating a tomato 

interesting sketches

Rabbit with carrots