Sunday, September 18, 2016

First Week of Class

The Rhône with the Musée des confluence

This week was the first week of classes for my module.  I was very surprised to see that Clara was in the same module as me.  Clara was an exchange student at OSU last fall.   The first classes were just an overview of what to expect for this semester and meeting the people in my class.  Here are some of the highlights:

  1. We are going on a 4 day trip to food companies in Italy
  2. We have to do a book report (Mine is on women in large companies and the struggles they face)
  3. We would be doing one big group project to look at how to make a process more sustainable.
    1. The drying of Cocoa beans (I got this one)
    2. Making a process in developing  countries to process insects
    3. Something with a soup company
    4. Working with making processed whole eggs
The majority of work done at this school is done in groups.  This is very different from what I am use to at OSU.  It is also interesting that everyone is invested in the group and contributes equally.  

We did this exercise on the second day called "crashing on the moon".  This was to show that we do better in groups than by ourselves.  The exercise had us rank in which order we would bring different supplies to meet our other people on the moon.  Then we compared our ranking and our group's ranking against NASA's ranking.  Then we counted the difference between our ranking and NASA's and the difference was greater between my ranking, then the groups ranking.  We also worked on different problem solving techniques and each group had to do a presentation on two of the different techniques.   My group presented about the 5 Why's and Brain storming.

We started a large group project this week that will last for the next three weeks.  We started working on a case study that our teacher actually encountered in a company that he worked at.  The problem was that were to many workers for the product we were making.  There were questions for each problem that came up in the transition for the company.  Our assignment was to think of the solutions, and other problems that could arise.  We also had to do mock interview for a production floor manager.  Then next week we have to give a 15 minute on how our "hired" person would fix the
Lunch/Dinner with my Sis
inefficiency of the company.  These groups will also be the groups for our trip to Italy, and the write up for it.  

On Thursday I had to eat dinner alone... However I used Google Hangout to chat with my sister while she ate lunch at school.  It was fun to chat with her.  

On Saturday I had a fun day exploring with Rachel some of the historic places in Lyon.  We went and got a tour of the Opera, the Hôtel de Ville, and the Musée des Confluences.  At the Opera we got a tour of one of the performance stages, the dance rehearsal room, and a music rehearsal stage.  

Me in my Dancer Joe costume
 To get to the ballet rehearsal room we had to climb a TON of stairs!  That aside, it was breath taking once we got to the top and could see the view. The Hôtel de Ville was so beautiful on the inside.  I thought it was funny that each room what color coded.  The view the hotel had was cool as well.  We ended up being at almost the same level as the ballet rehearsal room at the opera.  Go to the Musée des Confluences was great, and I think I will need to go back another time.  There we went to see this thing on the history of dance.  This was an audio guided tour.  The head phone set would pick up the audio at each of the station you were at.  I thought the station about the dance style Voging was cool.  The dancer that was talking about history of Voging.  He explained how the style that started on the streets, and started to perfect the "twerk".  The translation for this was funny.  He also talked about how it was developed in clubs and has gradually transitioned to the stage.  Another part of the dance exhibit was participating in a creative exercise called Dancer Joe.  There were 15ish people and we all wore hats and trench coats.  Then there was a recorded voice that told us what to do.  Our performance was recorded, and then shown along side the actual performance.  They also had musicians with a dancer do a short performances in the hallways.  There was a contemporary dancer with a bassoonist, and a hip hop dancer with a violinist. There were a ton of different exhibits to see, and all really cool.  There was one on shoes, Antarctica, our origin story, animals, and different death rituals from different counties.  

This week has been super fun! Next week I am going to be going to two different dance performances that are a part of dance festival.   
View from the Opera's ballet rehearsal room

Couldn't help it!

Hôtel de Ville court yard 
The ball room in the Hôtel de Ville

View of the Opera from the Hôtel de Ville

The red room in the Hôtel de Ville

A dance performance at the Musée des Confluences 


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