Sunday, September 25, 2016

School, Dance, Food, and Shoping


Lyon Street Food Tokens 

This week was filled with school, some dance, a lot of food, with a little shopping.

This week was the start of the Chocolate Jelly Project.  The goal of this project to evaluate the process and change it to be more efficient and sustainable.  My group was the only group to complete to whole process (there are three groups).  We made 110 packaged products of 120 grams a piece.  For those in the states it is about the size of a Tillamook yogurt container.  My part of the production line is the dosser.  The dosser is what dispenses the correct amount of product in to its packaging.  For the report at the end, I am in charge of the dossing part of the write up.  I have to think of any way possible that my step could be improved to be more efficient or sustainable.

 In my Sustainable Development class this week we listen to a Ted talk about the trinity of sustainability (Economy, Equity, and Ecology).  The presenter also talked about ways that we could easily change our habits to help improve the environment.  The most interesting topic she talked about was The Over Shoot Day.  I had not previously heard of this day at all.  On this day we have used up all the earth can sustainably produce in one year.  This year it was August 8th.  I can't remember the name of the Ted Talk, but it was really interesting to listen to.
Pot Stickers

This week I went to two different performances for the 17th Biennale de la Danse.  The first performance was called Are Friends Electric, choreographed by Yuval Pick.  It was a contemporary dance with 6 performers.  It was kind of weird, but interesting.  Each dancer had a different relationship with the other dancers.  The music changed between a metronome, talking, and music.  They did this cool thing where each performer counted in a different language.  I believe they spoke in English, French, German, and Spanish.   The second performance I went to was called Auguri choreographed by Olivier Dubois.  The performers were from Ballet Du Nord.  However, this was one of the most boring performances I have ever had to sit though.  I paid to watch professionals literally RUN AROUND THE STAGE!!!   It might have been better if I knew what the story, or message they were trying to express.  This performance was the fourth performance in the choreographers project.  So maybe if I could have seen the other performances it would have made more sense.
My Falafel
This Weekend there was a Food Truck Festival!!!  It was a smaller version of the food trucks in Portland.  I went with Clara (a friend from school).  We had a day pass, so we started with lunch.  For lunch I had the Falafel, and Clara had some BBQ Pork.  It was so good!  The Falafel had hummus, tomatoes, pickles, mint leaves, these fried balls of herbs and something else.  For dessert I got a fried macaroon.   I also had this hard cider called Appie.  It was a bit sweeter than ones I have tried in the states, but still good. Then we took a break to go shopping, and came back for dinner.  For dinner I had pot sticker (they called them dumplings).  I had four different types of pot stickers (fish, chicken, vegetable, and pork).  Clara had this noodle, vegetables, and sake vinegar dish.  It was delicious as well!

I had fun shopping with Clara in between meals! We went to H&M, Levi, and this travelers store.  I got some winter cloths from H&M, but the best purchase was from Levi.  I finally after 4 months of searching found a new belt!  Who know that to find a 2 inch plain belt I would have to go to an American store in France! At the travelers store I found something that I want before I come home.  They have a coffee mug with the periodic table on it!

On Friday evening my host family prepared a meal that showcased local food.  I had snails, Pâte de champagne (a mix between meatloaf and sausage), four different cheese, and yogurt with strawberries.  I liked the snails, they tasted like steamer clams with butter and garlic.  The  Pâte de champagne was good as well. I tried three of the four cheese, because one looked a little blue.  The yogurt with strawberries was delicious.  I tasted almost like strawberry cheesecake.  Everything that I ate that night was delicious, and I would eat again!
First Bite of snails


Next week I am going to Italy for an industry tour of four different food companies!

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