Monday, December 19, 2016

Paris 0.5


Outside of Louvre
So this morning I had to get out of my every so soft and squishy bed and say good by to my host family.  This was way harder than it was to say good bye to my own family.  The worst part was the dog.  Brooklyn has be called my "petite copine" since the beginning of my stay.  Seeing
her face as I brought my suitcases down the stairs was horrible (I cried a little...).  The fact that I was leaving Lyon didn't set in until my host mom helped me put my luggage onto the train, gave me one last hug and left.  I shed a couple of tears, until some GUY sat next to me!!  UGGG, those who have been on trains know that you can really sit anywhere you want.  There were plenty of seats open, so I was a little mifft (emotional morning).

However, this turned out to be just fine!  The guys name is Nathan, and he is an art student in Lyon.  He is  going to Paris to meet his girlfriend for the first time.  We started to talk when gave me a picture he had finished drawing.  I then got to see his portfolio, and other sketches.  He was into drawing syfi creatures.  All of his drawings were organized into worlds.   I would be looking at one world at a time as he explained how it all fit together.  One of the most interesting thing that he told me was about the game that he and his friends play.  It is basically Dungeons and Dragons, except you have to draw your characters and put them in the online games database.
One of his sketches
This is the one he gave me
 Depending on what you roll, your charature is developed.  Then as the game goes on and something needs be designed, one of the players draws a quick sketch and imputes it into the game.  We also had a long discussion about video games, and books.  We wished each other luck when we parted ways on the train platform in Paris.  I was then off to my Airb&B

My host is amazing and so is the room!  The first place I went after getting settled is the Louvre.  Now, remember what happened last time I went to a museum alone (Face Swapping Fun)?  This time was no different, enjoy.  Also at the Louvre I got to see the "tourist" artworks, but mine is better!!  I spend about two and a half hours there looking around.  I saw the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian art, Italian paintings (Mona Lisa), French sculptures, and then the Decorative arts.  I basically only saw 1.5-2 floors of the four floors.  The floor plan is also really hard to navigate, so I spent more time trying to figure out where to go then looking at the art.  One thing that helped was that I already knew which pieces of art I wanted to see, so I was able to focus just on them instead of wandering around.

This is just creepy

This is a favorite

This one too!!

I'm to sexy for this Sphinx

Pyramid outside of the Louvre
Following the Louvre,  I walked along the Champ Élysées to the Arc de Triomphe.  On my way I got to look at the Christmas Market!  I have found that you meet the best people when you travel alone!  At this market I talked to this vender that was selling cheese.  We talked about his cheese and the cheese I make at OSU.  I ended up buying this spicy chevre cheese that was multi colored!  I also met this girl who has family that lives in Portland!  I finally made it to the Arc de Triomphe.  While I was taking the picture a bus of military men drove by (i think).  One person was waving at me, so I waved back.  Then I turn to take a picture again and there was a tap on the window, so I turned and they wanted me to wave again.  This made me laugh!!    From there, I headed to the Tour Eiffel.  I got to see it all lit up for the night, like a Christmas tree!  

For dinner I ended up just making a cup of chicken noodle soup.  I am super sick with a head/chest cold right now, so I just wanted some soup and to go to bed.  I hope that the extra rest will help make me feel better because, tomorrow is my first full day of Paris, and I have a full day planed!  

the Arc de Triomphe
Spicy chevre cheese

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